Optimirror is a guidance system for your financial goals and an exercise program for money fitness all in one.

The more you work out the stronger you get and the more money muscle memory you develop the faster and stronger you are to achieve and maintain your target goals.

For more information or to start planning using Optimirror call our partners in planning at OngoingWealthManagement.com, 305-394-8863.

View Optimirror’s patented algorithms at work

(Click here to watch our video) 

Request A Demonstration


Optimirror© can be used as a Fintech solution to improve customer cash-flow management. Email us at: info@cybartech.com

To request a demonstration showing how Optimirror© can work for you, email us at: info@cybartech.com  

To learn about our partners who provide Optimirror© financial plans for your family or business, see ongoingwealthmanagement.com.